The LABVIRT-Project

The LABVIRT project aims at the development of instructional videos for entry-level organic chemistry laboratory classes. The project builds on an initial video library generated at the LMU Muenchen (Prof. Hendrik Zipse, Benjamin Pölloth, Ieva Teikmane, Fabian Zott) under initial sponsorship through the Lehre@LMU program. Current extensions and adaptions into English, French, and Spanish are supported by the ERASMUS+ program and undertaken together with Cardiff University (Cardiff, UK), Sorbonne Université (Paris, France), and Universidad de Murcia (Murcia, Spain).


Project Lead:

Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Munich, Germany - Professor Hendrik Zipse

Project Partners:

Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom - Professor Thomas Wirth

University of Murcia (UM), Murcia, Spain - Associate Professor Marta Marin-Luna

Sorbonne University, Paris, France - Professor Bernold HasenknopfMaîtresse de conférences Marion Barbazanges, Lecturer Claire Colonna


LMU München
Sorbonne Universite
University of Cardiff
Universidad de Murcis